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Every ArvanCloud user has a workspace after registration. The owner of the workspace, who is the creator of this user account, will have full access to its products and settings. The workspace owner can add other members to the workspace for better account management, especially in larger projects. These members must have an account in ArvanCloud before being invited.

Workspace members are people or user accounts that the owner of a workspace has invited to his workspace and given them various accesses. Keep in mind that a member can have access to all services and settings or only one service in your workspace. Also, given accesses can be edited and revoked.

Create and Manage Workspace

To create a new workspace or view the list of them in your user account, enter the "Settings" section after entering the user panel.

From the left menu and Workspace Management section, enter "Workspace".

You can create a workspace in this section by clicking the "Create Workspace" button and entering a name.

From this section, you can always revoke the access of members of a workspace.