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Audit Log

You can access the Audit Log of your workspace using the "Audit Log" feature in your profile. An audit log is a report of a system's activities and events that records important information such as user actions and system changes.

With this feature, you can check and monitor workspace events. Additionally, you can view the details of each log to get more information.

These reports are in the "Settings and Profile" section and under the "Workspace" menu.

You can also sort or search your logs by date and importance level.

Types of Logs

Currently, three types of logs are provided in this section:

  • User Activity Log

    Any activity that involves making changes to ArvanCloud resources or services. For example, when someone registers a new domain in ArvanCloud CDN.

  • System Event Log

    Any internal activity in ArvanCloud Services. For example, when the services of a domain are suspended by ArvanCloud due to abuse.

  • System Input and Output Log

    Any read or write activity with ArvanCloud services

Logs Data structure

Using the data structure of reports, you can get the details of each log and check the events of your workspace.

In general, the following basic information is available in the logs:

  • Severity

    Specifies the level of importance assigned to each log. Info, Debug, Notice, Warning, Error, and Critical are the least important to the most important.

  • Service

    A service or feature from ArvanCloud that was associated with the request or event log. Such as CDN service, IAM service, and etc.

  • Activity

    Specifies the type of activity performed in each log. This parameter helps you check and analyze system changes and events. The value of this parameter can be "create", "delete", "get" and, etc.

  • Publish Date

    It specifies the exact time and date of each event and log entry.

By clicking on each log, you can access more details about it.

In the details of the logs, there are the following parameters:

  • ID

    This parameter is the unique identifier assigned to a log. You can use this ID to identify a specific log.

  • Timestamp

    Displays the exact time and date of recording a log.

  • Severity

    It expresses the level of importance and severity of a log. This parameter helps you categorize logs based on their importance and impact.

  • Resource

    Indicates the resource, service, or feature associated with the log. The value of this parameter can be a route, service, etc.

  • Payload

    This section contains the main data and complete log details. Payload typically includes detailed information about the activity, request, response, and log information. The exact structure and content of each payload depend on the type of log and the service associated with it. An example of Payload is as follows:

"auditLogType": "userActivity",
"operationId": "iam.v1.machineUsers.create",
"operationTargetResource": "/v1/accounts/8c8d0fe6-d68b-5068-9f2b-50c6a56a4bc7/machine-users",
"actorInfo": {
"identityId": "1939a11f-147d-41e3-8eb9-950bf14e0ad5"
"authorizationInfo": [
"permission": "iam.machineUsers.create",
"resource": "",
"approved": true
"request": {
"name": "middlewareMachineUser"
"requestMetadata": {
"id": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {},
"path": "/v1/accounts/8838edf3-a1c2-517a-afa5-7f965286d70f/machine-users",
"host": "",
"schema": "https",
"query": "",
"timestamp": "2022-11-02T12:04:17.046552+03:30",
"size": 25,
"protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
"clientIp": "",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0"
"response": {
"data": {
"id": "ac82f1eb-22a4-40dc-af9d-a4e2ef3d7d1d",
"name": "middlewareMachineUser"
"message": "Machine user created successfully."