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Access Policies

policies are a set of people and roles. These rules are defined on groups of resources or workspace and their combination determines which person has which role on which resources. One or more policies can be created and defined in each resource group or worksapce.

View Policies

You can view and edit all defined access policies by following the steps below.

  1. Select "Settings" from the main menu.

  2. Select "Access Policies" in the Workspace Management section from the left menu. All defined policies can be seen on this page.

Create Policy

Access policies can be defined at the workspace and resource group levels. workspace access has two features:

  • They are defined on all resources.

  • They also include more general access such as finance and support.

Create Workspace-Level Policy

To define the access policy at the worksapce level, click on the "Create New Access Policy" button and select "Worksapce Policy".

  1. In the first step, write the name and description of the policy.

  2. In the second step, select the members or machine users which are the people or access keys that you want to be in this policy.

  3. In this section, select the roles based on the access that users should have.

Finally, click the "Confirm" button to save and apply the policy.

Create Resource Group-Level Policy

To define the access policy at the resource group level, click on the "Create New Access Policy" button and select "Resource Group".

  1. In the first step, select the resource group that you want the policy to apply to.

  2. Then write the name and description of the policy.

  3. In this step, select the members or machine users which are the people or access keys that you want to be in this policy.

  4. In this section, select the roles based on the access that users should have.

Finally, click the "Confirm" button to save and apply the policy.

Modify Policy

If you need to change the role of an access policy or add or remove someone from this group, you can find the rule you want from the "Policies" page and then select "Access Plicy Details" from the "Action" menu.

On this page, the policy name, members added to the policy, and access roles can be edited.