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Anything built into any service and managed by workspace members is a resource. For example, a cloud in a cloud server product or a domain in a content distribution network product, each is one of the resources.

In the ArvanCloud access management system, a number of resources that fall into a category are called resource groups. The resource group allows you to assign this group to guest users more easily. With the help of this feature, you can categorize your resources into several groups so that certain people have access to certain resources.

Create Resource Group

You can divide the resources of a workspace into groups and give access to different people on different resources. To do this, take the following steps:

  1. Select "Settings" from the main menu.

  2. Select "Resources" in the Workspace Management section and from the left menu.

  3. If you have not already created a resource group, this page is empty. Create a new group by clicking the "Create New Resource Group" button.

  4. On the "Create Resource Group" page, after choosing a name for the group you can view all your active services in ArvanCloud.

  5. Select the resources you want and click on the "Save and Continue" button.

Now you've created a resource group and it's time to apply the appropriate access policy to it.

To create an access policy on the resource group, click the "Access Policies" button in front of each group.

On the "Access Policies" page, you can define the appropriate one.

Edit Resource Group

To edit the resource group, select the edit option from the "Action" menu. On the page that opens, you can view, add or delete the resources in each resource group.

After finishing the changes, you can apply your changes by pressing the "Edit Resource" button.