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Manage Applications

On the Applications page in the ArvanCloud Container panel, you can view all the applications you have created so far. Additionally, by clicking on each of these apps, you can manage their details and settings.


In the "Overview" section, you can see an overview of the application details, including resources, image, domain, network settings, environment variables, and disk.


The Settings section allows you to make changes to the main parts of the application, which include the image, vertical scaling, and runtime environment variables.

Please note, making any changes to the application settings will result in a service restart and downtime.

To update the application version, simply enter the new image tag in the image section and apply it. This initiates a three-step process to pull the new image, zero the current resources, and deploy the new image, resulting in the application being replaced with the new version.

On this same page, you can also change the application's vertical scale and environment variables. Scaling Guide and Environment Variables will help you along the way.


In the Pods section, you can see the status of the pods and containers of your application.

You can also delete a pod from this section.

Private Network

This section allows you to define a separate network for your application. If you need your application to communicate with other Arvancloud resources within the same network, you can use this feature.

ArvanCloud Container Network Guide will assist you with this.

Dedicated IP

If you need a dedicated IP address for your application, you can use this feature.

This feature allows you to define various connections to your application over the internet using different ports, making the application accessible through this route.

Dedicated IP Guide for ArvanCloud Container will help you with this.


In this section, you can choose the method of connecting to the application via a domain. Using the free Arvancloud subdomain or your custom domain is possible with just a few clicks.

Domain Guide in Arvan Cloud Container will assist you with this.


Adding and managing disks or Persistent Storage in ArvanCloud Container is done from this section.

Disk Guide in Arvan Cloud Container will assist you with this.


During the execution of the application, you might encounter issues due to insufficient resources for the load on the application. The Arvancloud Container Scaling feature allows you to increase the number of containers instantly, enabling you to implement Load Balancing scenarios and automatically distribute the load among different pods to prevent issues.

Horizontal Scaling allows you to create multiple instances of your application with just a few clicks. This feature can be done both manually and automatically.

Scaling Guide in ArvanCloud Container will assist you with this.