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Environment Variables

Environment variables are values set outside of application configurations and are used at runtime. These values, which are created as key/value pairs, help you manage the behavior of your application in different environments such as Development, Staging, and Production easily.

You can define environment variables for an application both during and after its creation.

Defining Environment Variables During Creating Application

If you have created your application using the container image solution, you can enter the required environment variables in the "Configuration" step of the app creation process.

You can upload a file for environment variables, or copy and paste the text here. Additionally, you can manually add them using the "Add Environment Variable" option.

Defining Environment Variables After Creating Application

To manage environment variables, click on your desired application and go to the settings section.

In the environment variables section, you can see all the environment variables defined so far. Additionally, by clicking on the "Add Manually" button, you can add new values.

Note that updating environment variables will restart the application.