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One-Click Helm Charts

With the new ArvanCloud Container infrastructure implemented on Kubernetes and supporting Helm, you can easily deploy the applications you need. Helm is a Package Manager in Kubernetes that provides an easier way to define, install, update, and manage applications. On the other hand, a Chart is a package in Helm that includes resources such as Deployment, Service, Pod, etc. In other words, all the necessary details to install an application in Kubernetes can be found in a Helm Chart. One of the practical features of this capability is the Release history and the ability to Rollback.

Currently, more than 60 one-click HA and clustered Helm Charts, for large organizations, are available in the ArvanCloud Container panel. To install these Helm Charts, you just need to change the values in the values.yaml file according to your needs.

One of the most important files in a Helm Chart is the values.yaml file. You can configure values such as password, resource limits, and application image in this file. Also, after installing the app, you can modify these values and restart the app whenever needed.

Installing Helm Chart

To get more familiar with configuring the Values file in Arvan Cloud Container, we will review the steps to install the Ghost application as an example.

Click on "Container Image" from the "Application Creation Solutions" section.

In the "One-click Applications" section, you can find and install your desired application from among the one-click Helm Charts. In this guide, we will install the Ghost application. By clicking on the application, you will enter the installation steps.

1st Step: Application Details

In this step, select a project from the existing projects for deploying the application or create a new project. Then write a unique name for your application.

2nd Step: Application Configuration

To configure the Helm Chart, you need to change the values in the values.yaml file according to your needs. In this step, you can change the version of your application, view and configure its dependencies, access the documentation and details of each dependency, and review its templates.

Also, using the examples provided in the guide section, you can edit the values.yaml values. All one-click Helm Charts require the configuration of their domain, resources, and network in the values.yaml.

By viewing each application's guide in the panel, you can go to the desired line of each setting and change it according to the guide.

Domain Settings

If you want to connect to your application via the free Arvancloud domain, change the enabled value to true in the ingress section and set the hostname as follows:

enabled: true

You can view the hostname value of each application in the guide section.

Also, if you need a custom domain, you can set the hostname equal to your domain:

enabled: true

IP Settings

If you need a dedicated IP for communicating with the application, configure the values in the service section as follows:

type: LoadBalancer
http: 80
https: 443

If you do not need a dedicated IP and in-cluster communication is sufficient for this application, you can use the following settings for service:

type: ClusterIP
http: 80
https: 443

Resource Settings

To determine the amount of resources such as RAM and CPU, find the resources section and allocate the resources based on your needs:

limits: {}
memory: 500Mi
cpu: 250m

Password Settings

When installing a Helm Chart, if a value is not specified in the values.yaml file, it is generated randomly. Therefore, it is recommended to manually enter the password for easier use of the app and subsequent edits.

To do this, search for the word "Password" in the values.yaml file and write your desired value.

3rd Step: Final Review

After configuring the values.yaml file, in the final step, you will see the cost estimate and the final manifest of your application. By confirming and clicking on the "Create" button, the Helm Chart will be installed. After installation, the application values and useful commands will be provided to you.

It is recommended to save these values.

Using the events and logs in your user account, you can also review the installation process of the application.

If you encounter a Readiness Probe error in the events, you can resolve this error by increasing the resources or disabling the Readiness Probe in the values.yaml file.

Manage Helm Charts

In the "Applications" section, you can view the applications created from Helm Charts. In this page, you can restart and stop the application, change the application's configuration by editing the values.yaml values, and release a new version of the application. You also have the option to view the release history and rollback.