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Disks in ArvanCloud Container are equivalent to Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes. By default, application data is stored in Ephemeral Storage, meaning it gets deleted with each application restart. Therefore, if you need to store data permanently or persistently, you should use disks.

Generally, disks are useful for the following types of applications:

  • Infrastructure services such as Kafka, ElasticSearch, etc.
  • Content management platforms and CMSs like WordPress, Ghost, Strapi, etc.
  • Communication tools like Mattermost, Discourse, etc.
  • Databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.

Disks in ArvanCloud Container are independent of applications. This means that even after deleting an application, the disk and its contents can still be accessible at the project level.

In the "Storage" section in the user panel, you can view all the disks available in the project along with their status, capacity, lifespan, and accessibility.


Furthermore, to add, edit, or delete a disk connected to an application, you can click on the application name in the user panel and navigate to the "Disk" section.

Application Disk

Add a Disk

To add a new disk, after clicking on the application name and selecting the "Disk" tab, click on the "New Disk" option.

Add Disk

Then, specify the size of the disk and the mount path to the application. The deployment path is the same as container-path in Docker.

docker run -d -p <hostPort>:<containePort> -v <host-path>:<container-path> <image>

For example, the command:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v /app:/app myflaskimage

or the following Docker Compose file:

version: '3'
image: myflaskimage
- "5000:5000"
- /app:/app

To implement these settings in the user panel, you can enter /app in the deployment path.

Add Disk Details

Note that creating a new disk will restart the application.

After restarting the application, the new disk will be available.

Attach/Detach a Disk

To detach a disk from an application, you can use the "Detach Disk" option next to its name.

Detach Disk

Note that detaching a disk will restart the application.

Also, if you had previously detached a disk from an application, you can reattach it by clicking on the "Attach" button. Then, specify the capacity and the new mount path for the disk.

Note that attaching a disk will restart the application.

After restarting the application, the disk will be accessible to the app.

Update a Disk

If you need to make changes to the disk settings, you can edit them at any time by clicking on the "Edit" option.

Edit Disk

Here, you can change the mount path and the size of the disk.

Edit Disk Details

In ArvanCloud Container, you can only increase the disk size, and decreasing it is not possible. Also, the value entered for the disk size must be an integer.

Note that creating a new disk will restart the application.

After restarting the application, the changes will take effect.

Delete a Disk

To delete a disk, click on the "Delete" option and confirm the operation.

Delete Disk

Note that after deleting a disk, its data is irretrievable.