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Database Cluster Tags

Tags are arbitrary labels that you can add to clusters and Read-Only nodes. You may better and more easily manage each cluster by adding tags related to its purpose. For example, you can define tags based on the development environment such as Production and Staging, or different teams and departments that are responsible for cluster management.

Adding a tag to the cluster is possible in two ways:

1- Actions Menu

From Arvancloud's user panel, enter the Managed Database menu and the "All Databases" page. Then click on the "Actions" option in front of the desired cluster and select the "Edit Tags" option.

Here, you can type the tags you want and confirm them by pressing Enter. At the end, by clicking the "Save" button, new tags will be added to the cluster.

2- Overview Tab

From Arvancloud's user panel, enter the Managed Database menu and the "All Databases" page. Click on the desired cluster and then Edit button from the "Tags" section.

Here, you can type the tags you want and confirm them by pressing Enter. At the end, by clicking the "Save" button, new tags will be added to the cluster.