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Add Read-Only Node

Read-only nodes are a copy of the primary node, but they only respond to read requests and cannot make changes to the databases. They are used for horizontal scaling of the database and you can use this node in applications where the request to read data is high.

Read-only nodes are not part of the cluster, meaning you can access them independently through a different link or resize their resources.

To add a Read-Only node, you can enter the "All Databases" page and click on the "Add Read-Only Node" option from the Actions menu in front of the desired cluster.

In the page that opens, just select the resources of this node, including RAM, CPU, and disk. If the disk size of the plans is not suitable for you, you can choose another value by clicking on "Change Disk Size" and entering the desired amount.

This node is created by selecting a name and clicking the "Create Read-Only Node" button.

For each primary node, you can add up to 3 read-only nodes. To increase this limit, you can contact support to discuss your needs.