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A snapshot is an image of an instance or disk (Volume) at the moment, which can be restored when needed. Using this feature, you can take a snapshot before you make a big change on your instance or disk that might cause problems so that if there is a problem for any reason, you can go back to the previous state. In the Disk Management and Snapshot section of the Cloud Server user panel, you can create and manage snapshots.

Create Snapshot

To create a snapshot, enter the Snapshot section in the cloud server user panel. On this page, from the upper part of the page, specify whether you want to take a snapshot from a Volume or from an Instance; Then click on the "New Snapshot" button.

After selecting the snapshot type, consider a name for your snapshot. Note that this name can only contain English letters, numbers, dashes, and dots.

We recommend turning off your instance before taking a snapshot to maintain data integrity.

Note that when you take a snapshot of an Instance, only the data of the root disk of the instance is saved.

The snapshot created can be viewed and managed through the Snapshot section in the Cloud Server user panel.

Restore Snapshot

To return an instance or disk to the state before the changes were made, you can click on the "Restore Snapshot" option in front of the snapshot name after entering the Snapshot section in the Cloud Server user panel.

Note that when you restore a snapshot on your instance, your instance will turn off and turn on again after the process is complete. Also, if you replace the snapshot on a disk, the disk may detach from the instance.

Creating Volume from Snapshot

By selecting this option, a cloud disk (Volume) is created from your snapshot, which can be connected to your instances. To do this, just click on the option "Create Volume" and choose a name for the disk.

Access to the created disk will be possible through the "Disk Management" menu and the "Disk" section.

Edit Snapshot Name & Labels

For better and easier management of snapshots, you can always rename them. You can also add tags to them and delete or edit them whenever you need.

Delete Snapshot

You can delete one or more snapshots from an instance or disk through the "Actions" menu. For this, just select the snapshots you want, and click on the "Delete Snapshot" button.

You can also delete all the snapshots you have taken so far from your disk/instance using the "Delete All Snapshots" button.

Note that by confirming this operation, snapshots will be deleted and access to them will be lost forever.