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Set up Marketplace Images

ArvanCloud Marketplace is a platform for the easy installation of apps and tools. It allows you to quickly launch and configure the applications you need. The integration of this marketplace with the Cloud Server helps you use pre-made images and launch apps with just a few clicks. You can simply use its features in your instance in a fraction of a second. These applications automate common software implementation steps such as installing packages and configurations. This way, you can quickly launch your service without the trouble of server management and software development.

Here you can find a collection of up-to-date apps built for online stores, customer service and content management, infrastructure services, business intelligence, and software development tools. You can simply choose the application that best meets your needs. Most of these apps are free, and the cost of non-free apps is calculated based on the method of Pay-As-You-Go, making the costs affordable.

If you use a cloud server, you need to install several tools to set up your services, and that may not be so convenient. For example, if you want to install content management systems like Joomla, WordPress, or Drupal, or e-commerce systems like Magneto, OpenCart, or PrestaShop on a cloud server, you can use Marketplace IaaS Images to get these apps without downloading or requiring any specific resource.

Considering the general similarities of most apps, here we explain how to install WordPress as an IaaS Image from the marketplace. Other IaaS images are usually installed in the same way, but if necessary, you can refer to the documentation on our website and check related guides for working with the app that you have in mind.

Install WordPress in ArvanCloud User Panel

To install WordPress via ArvanCloud Cloud Server platform, first, navigate to “Instance List” in the Cloud Server section on the user panel and select "Create New Instance". Then, choose your preferred data center and proceed to the next step.

In this step, select "Marketplace" at the top of the page to see a list of available apps. You can also use the search or filter options to find an app. After selecting the app, click on "Approve" and go to the next step. In this example, WordPress is installed and run.

On the following pages, select the values of size, access, network, firewall, name, and the number of instances based on your requirements. Finally, click on "Create New Instance". If you need more information on these settings, you can use the following guide:

  • Getting Started with Cloud Server

On the last page, you will see information about the created instance which will be emailed to you as well. But remember that this information will no longer be available on the panel.

Once the instance is created, you can connect to it via SSH using PuTTY and the instance IP. When entering data into PuTTY, set the port to 22. Next, log in with the username and password you were given in the final step of creating the instance.

Remember to change your password after the first login. Once the password is changed, you must re-establish the SSH connection as well.

To view your WordPress site, simply enter its IP address into your browser. You must also enter wp-admin/ at the end of your IP address to access the management section.

You can find out your WordPress Username and Password using the following command:

sudo cat /home/bitnami/bitnami_credentials