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Live Streams

ArvanCloud’s Live Streaming Platform allows you to stream your videos worldwide with the lowest delay time and the highest quality. You would never have to worry about infrastructure again. Here, you will learn more about this feature.

Streaming Subdomain

Go to the Video Platform section of your account and click Streams. To activate this service, you must create a subdomain from the domain which follows the FQDN rules. This will be used in the links of your streams.

Please note that you CAN NOT change or edit this subdomain after registration.


You need to create a stream before starting a live video. Click on New Stream under the Streams List menu, and enter the details and configurations to create your stream.

The details are explained below:

  • Title: You can choose any name that you want.

  • Slug: A string of letters in your URL stream which can only include English letters and numbers and NOT other characters.

  • Description: You can write a description of your stream.

  • Input Type: ArvanCloud has two methods for streaming:

    • The Pull Method: Here, a URL that can be streamed must be entered as the input stream. This method is recommended when you use an RTMP server and want to use the CDN service to increase speed and security. The ArvanCloud’s Live Streaming Service can receive any streams used as input. These inputs can be RTMP, RTSP, or less common protocols of TCP, UDP, or those based on HTTP like HLS and MPEG-DASH.
    • The Push Method: Here, after the configurations, a specific URL will be created for the video content, which you can use to live stream your video through OBS or Wirecast, or other broadcasting software.

  • Time Machine: You can determine how many minutes before the live streaming time the user can rewind.

  • Secure Link: Activation of this link means that only the users who have their own encrypted link can access the content. This limitation can be based on IP address or access time limit.

  • Archive: This will save your live streams in a channel of choice after you have streamed them.

  • Frame Per Second: This parameter is very important since the wrong configuration results in slower loading and lower quality of your stream. In the Push method, you need to define the frame per second value in the Broadcast software. For example, if the number is 25 in the software, the same number should be used when configuring the stream in the user panel. In the Pull method, you can use software like VLC to learn the frame per second value. Go to the Tools section of the VLC application and click on Media Information.

  • Video Resolution: You can define three types of stream outputs for your live stream. Please note that the quality of the outputs might not differ much since the size of the page also changes as the quality does.

Finally, click Create to have your stream created and see a window like below.

You can edit your stream settings. You can decide whether the stream’s delay limit should be normal or low latency. In the normal mode, your stream will be played with a delay of 30 seconds. If your stream’s quality is more important than the delay, choose the normal delay mode. However, in the low latency mode, the stream will have 5 seconds and less delay time from our servers, though your server’s settings must be configured to be adjusted to this setting.

In the Pull mode, your stream will be shown with 30s delay no matter when the stream is being played. However, in the Push mode, the broadcast will begin the moment you have played the video.

You can receive your Player URL, HLS, and DASH raw links for your stream.

Learn more about the pricing for ArvanCloud’s Live Streaming Platform in detail.