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The Replication feature of Arvancloud Object Storage allows you to automatically transfer a copy of the objects and files of one bucket to another inother regions.

If you want to store your data in two different places for purposes such as backup, or place them in several geographic locations to reduce the delay in data access, you can easily use this feature.

This feature is available in Growth, Professional and Enterprise plans.

Activate Replication

To enable replication on a bucket, select the source bucket from the list of bucketes in the Object Storage panel and enter the "Replication" section.

You can enter replication settings for this bucket by clicking the "New Rule" button.

  • Rule Name

    In this section, choose an arbitrary name for the replication rule.

    This name can include numbers, English letters, _ and - characters. Also, the name of the replication rules of a bucket cannot be repeated.

  • Apply to All Objects

    If you enable this feature, all files in this bucket will be sent to the destination bucket. By disabling it, you can filter your objects based on Prefix, Tag, or a combination of both, so that only the files you want are sent to the destination bucket.

    Prefix is the initial characters of the name of an object.

  • Destination Bucket

    In the last section, you can select the bucket to which you want the source files to be sent.

    This bucket must be in a different region than the original one.

    If you don't have a bucket in another region, you can create a new one at this stage.

Finally, click "Save" to create the rule.

Note that replication is only performed when the rules are active, and removing the source or destination bucket disables the rule.

The Replication process is performed on new objects that are uploaded to the bucket after the rule is activated, and does not include old objects. Also, in order to prevent human error, replication is not executed when deleting objects and only syncs the upload of the new files.

The Replication function replicates the objects of the source bucket in the destination bucket in one way. You can define two rules, one for the source bucket and another for the destination bucket, to implement two-way sync.

Manage Replication

In the replication section of each bucket, you can edit or delete the rules you have defined. You can also stop the replication process defined in each rule by disabling it.