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Using the CLI for Edge Computing

Creating new edge computing in Arvancloud is possible both in the terminal and from the user panel. For working with edge computing in terminal environments, you can use the CLI of this product called r1ec. This tool is a command-line interface for launching and deploying applications in edge computing.


Before installing the CLI, you must have Node.js version 18 or higher installed on your system. It is also recommended to use LTS versions.

You can use this tool directly without installation using the npx command:

npx r1ec [command]

Or you can install the CLI globally on your system with the following command:

npm install --global r1ec
yarn install --global r1ec


In this section, you can see the various commands of the r1ec tool.


To view the documentation of Arvancloud's edge computing, use this command:

r1ec docs

To set the language of the documentation, you can use the l- flag. This flag accepts fa for Persian or en for English. For example, to access the Persian documentation, enter the following command:

r1ec docs -l fa


For logging in and authentication, you need a machine user key with "owner access". For obtaining the access key, refer to the machine user guide.

r1ec login -m <value>

Replace <value> with your access key.

Creating a Project

To start working with edge computing, you can use the ready examples of Arvancloud. To create a sample project, use the following command:

r1ec init [PROJECTNAME]

If you do not choose a specific name for your application instead of [PROJECTNAME], it will take the default sample name.

Deploying a Project

If you have a bundled JavaScript file, you can deploy it on Arvancloud's edge computing using the following command:

r1ec deploy [PROJECTNAME] -f <value>

Choose a name for the application instead of [PROJECTNAME] and place the JavaScript file path instead of <value>.

Auto Complete

With the following command, you can enable command auto-complete or Auto-Complete in your terminal:

r1ec autocomplete [SHELL] [-r]

Depending on your terminal type, you can place one of the values `, zsh, or powershell` instead of [SHELL]. For example:

r1ec autocomplete 

Also, with the r- flag or --refresh-cache, the command cache will be deleted. For example:

r1ec autocomplete --refresh-cache


With the following command, you can log out of your account in the CLI environment:

r1ec logout