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Resource Quota

When you create a user account in ArvanCloud, you can use a certain amount of resources in each service, which we call Quota or resource limit.

Quota is a predetermined limit that is applied to the allocation and use of resources. Implementing this limit is a common way to manage and improve infrastructure resource consumption. These limits are applied on various resources such as the number of instances, the number of CPU cores, the amount of RAM, etc.

This mechanism has been implemented for the optimal and fair allocation of resources, improving service efficiency and managing users' costs in order to prevent abuse in addition to increasing efficiency.

If users need more resources, they can increase this limit by submitting a request.

Cloud Server Quota

In the table below, you can see the basic quota of the cloud server:

ResourcesBasic Quota
Total Number of Instances10
Number of Instances per Data Center5
Number of Public IPs15
Amount of RAM (Gigabytes)64
Number of CPU Cores40
Number of Disks20
Total Volume of Disks (Terabytes)2
Number of Snapshots30
Total Volume of Snapshots (Terabytes)2
Number of Floating IPs4
Number of Load Balancers1
Number of Private Networks4
Number of Firewall Groups4
Number of Firewall Rules per Group16
Number of SSH Keys8
Number of Backups50
Number of Custom OSs8
Volume of each Custom OS (GB)20

It is possible to increase these limits from the Quota Management section in your account settings.

Network Ports Limit

To ensure the safety of the network and provide more stable services, as well as to prevent the abuse and spam emails from the cloud server infrastructure, ports 25 and 465, which are dedicated to the email service, are closed.

We recommend using email service providers to set up a Mail Server. However, if you still need to use these ports, you can contact ArvanCloud Support team through a ticket .

Traffic Limit

Upload traffic in the ArvanCloud Cloud Server is free of charge. Each user account in ArvanCloud can use 500 GigaBytes of free monthly download traffic on cloud servers. If your instance usage is more than 500 GigaBytes per month, you can pay for it in the form of Pay as You Go and based on your consumption.

To find out the details of the traffic and resources price of ArvanCloud Cloud Server, you can check out the Cloud Server pricing page.

Disk Limit

SSD and HDD disks in the ArvanCloud Server infrastructure have a certain amount of bandwidth and IOPS:

  • In SSD disks, the minimum amount of bandwidth is 13 and the maximum amount is 450 MB per second. Also, the IOPS value of SSD disks per gig is 30 and its maximum value is 12,000.
  • In HDD disks, the minimum amount of bandwidth is 13 and the maximum amount is 100 MB per second. Also, the IOPS value of HDD disks per gig is 10 and its maximum value is 1500.

To learn more about the risks, requirements and terms of using ArvanCloud Server, you can read the technical terms of this service.