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IP Lists

Using the "Lists" feature in ArvanCloud CDN, you can create a list of your desired IPs to easily define one or more firewall rules on a group of IPs. You can create a list of your own IP addresses or use the lists managed by ArvanCloud.

Creating a list of IPs has many advantages. For example:

  • For firewall management, using a list is easier and less error-prone than manually adding a long list of IPs to a firewall rule.
  • When updating a set of firewall rules that target a group of IP addresses, using an IP list is less likely to cause errors than editing multiple rules.
  • By defining the name and description for each list and IP, you can easily manage a large number of IPs in your firewall settings.
  • By updating and changing the content of a list, any firewall rules that use that IP list are automatically updated; So you can change your list just once instead of making several separate changes to each firewall rule.

ArvanCloud saves your lists at the user account level and you can use a single list in different domains registered in your account.

Creating a List

To create and save an IP list in the ArvanCloud panel, first, enter the CDN section, and after selecting "Lists" from the settings menu, click on the "New List" button:

On the opened page, you must choose a name and description for your list.

for your list.

Entering a description is not mandatory, but completing it will help you manage your listings.

The name entered for the list can only contain lowercase English letters and numbers and its length should not exceed 64 characters.

In the next step, you should add the IPs to the list and write a description for each if you need. It is also possible to upload your IP list as a CVE file.

To create a list through API, you can use a request like this:

curl --location --request POST '' \

--header 'authority:' \

--header 'authorization: API KEY 1 2 3 4' \

--header 'content-type: application/json' \

--data-raw '{"name":"arvancloud","description":"","type":"ip","values":[{"value":"","desc":""}]}'

In the end, after saving the list, you can see all the lists in your user account in the same section.