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Audit Logs

Using Arvancloud Audit Log, you can notice the changes and actions that have been done in the panel or through the API. This log can be used to fix or debug possible issues and check security activities in the user account.

To access this feature and view the logs through the CDN panel, enter the "Audit Logs" section.

On the logs page, from the filters section, put the service on CDN. In addition, you can also limit the time period and the severity of the logs to the values you need.

Then the list of events and their timeline will be displayed to you and you can get more details by clicking on each one.

Each log has 5 main parameters:

1- ID

Each action performed has a unique ID.

2- Timestamp

This value indicates the exact date and time of the Action or change execution , which is displayed in the format of the ISO 8601 standard.

3- Severity

This field displays the level of importance of the performed activity and includes 6 levels respectively:

  • Info
  • Debug
  • Notice
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Critical

4- Resource

This field indicates the resource on which an action has been performed. In Arvancloud CDN, this value represents the domain and its ID.

5- Payload

This parameter gives you a detailed description of the performed action. Based on the type of each action, this value can contain different information.

The keys used in this field include the following:

  • Actor Info

    This key contains the email of the user who performed the action.

"actorInfo": {
"userEmail": "”
  • Audit Log Type

    The content of this key indicates the type of action performed, which can have two different types:

    userActivityIndicates user activity; Such as: delete or create a DNS record
    systemEventIndicates systemic events; Such as: changing the status of the domain
  • operationId

    This key represents the type of activity, such as: deleting or creating a DNS record and...

"operationId": ""

In the table below, the different values visible in operationId are written along with the description and level of importance of each:

domains.createRegister a new domainDomainINFO
domains.transfer.change-statusConfirm or reject the transfer of the domain to the destination user accountDomainINFO
domains.removeDelete the domainDomainINFO
domains.cloneCopy settings from another domainDomainINFO
domains.plan.updateChange in domain planDomainINFO
domains.transfer.createCreate a domain transfer requestDomainINFO
general_settings.www-redirect.updateTransfer domain from @ to WWW and vice versaDomainINFO
ns_keys.setCreate custom NSDomainINFO
ns_keys.resetReset NSsDomainINFO
cname_setup.convertChange traffic transfer type to CNAMEDomainINFO
cname_setup.custom.setUse a custom CNAME record for the domainDomainINFO
cname_setup.custom.resetReset domain CNAMEDomainINFO
dns_records.storeCreate a DNS recordDNS RecordsINFO
dns_records.importImport Zone FileDNS RecordsINFO
dns_records.dnssec.actionsChange in domain DNSSECDNS RecordsINFO
dns_records.cloudTurn on/off the domain cloud iconDNS RecordsINFO
dns_records.updateUpdate a DNS recordDNS RecordsINFO
dns_records.removeDelete a DNS recordDNS RecordsINFO
apps.likeLike/dislike an application of the marketplaceMarketplaceINFO
domains.apps.storeInstall the application on the domainMarketplaceINFO
domains.apps.deleteDelete the marketplace applicationMarketplaceINFO
bulk-reports.traffics.totalGet traffic informationMonitoring and ReportingINFO
bulk-reports.visitors.totalGet visitor informationMonitoring and ReportingINFO
acceleration.updateChange acceleration settingsAccelerationINFO
caching.updateChange cache settingsCaching SettingsINFO
caching. purgePurge cacheCaching SettingsINFO
custom_pages.updateChange custom pagesDedicated pagesINFO
ddos.settings.updateChange the level of DDoS protectionDDoS ProtectionNOTICE
ddos.actions.reprioritizeChange the priority of DDoS protection rulesDDoS ProtectionNOTICE
ddos.rules.createCreate a DDoS protection ruleDDoS ProtectionNOTICE
ddos.rules.updateChange in a DDoS protection ruleDDoS ProtectionINFO
ddos.rules.deleteRemove a DDoS protection ruleDDoS ProtectionNOTICE
firewall.settings.updateChange the default domain ruleFirewall SettingsNOTICE
firewall.rules.createCreate a firewall ruleFirewall SettingsNOTICE
firewall.rules.updateUpdate a firewall ruleFirewall SettingsNOTICE
firewall.rules.deleteDelete a firewall ruleFirewall SettingsNOTICE
firewall.actions.reprioritizeChange the priority of firewall rulesFirewall SettingsNOTICE
page_rules.storeCreate a page rulePage RulesINFO
page_rules.change_statusTurn a page rule on/offPage RulesINFO
page_rules.updateUpdate a page rulePage RulesINFO
page_rules.deleteDelete a page rulePage RulesINFO
page_rules.update_diffChange in page rule priorityPage RulesINFO
page_rules.purgeClear cache of a page rulePage RulesINFO
rate_limit.settings.updateAdd an unlimited IP for the entire domainRate LimitNOTICE
rate_limit.rules.createCreate a rate limit ruleRate LimitNOTICE
rate_limit.rules.updateUpdate a rate limit ruleRate LimitNOTICE
ssl.updateUpdate SSL certificate settingsHTTPS SettingsINFO
ssl.cert.storeUpload a custom certificateHTTPS SettingsINFO
ssl.cert.deleteDelete a custom certificateHTTPS SettingsINFO
ssl.cert.order.action.retryReissue the certificateHTTPS SettingsINFO
load_balancer.storeCreate a Load BalancerLoad BalancingINFO
load_balancer.settings.updateChange in advanced Load Balancing settingsLoad BalancingINFO
load_balancer.updateChange in Load BalancerLoad BalancingINFO
load_balancer.destroyDelete a Load BalancerLoad BalancingINFO
load_balancer.pools.storeCreate a pool of origin serversLoad BalancingINFO
load_balancer.pools.updateMaking changes to a Load Balancing poolLoad BalancingINFO
load_balancer.pools.updatePoolMaking changes to a Load Balancing poolLoad BalancingINFO
load_balancer.pools.destroyDelete a pool of origin serversLoad BalancingINFO a new server in the origin server poolLoad BalancingINFO a server in the origin server poolLoad BalancingINFO a server from the origin server poolLoad BalancingINFO
waf.actions.reprioritizeChange the priority of custom WAF rulesWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
waf.actions.reprioritize-packageChange the priority of running WAF packagesWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
waf.rules.createCreate a rule in WAFWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
waf.rules.updateUpdate a WAF ruleWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
waf.rules.deleteDelete a WAF ruleWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
waf.packages.createSelect a security package in the WAFWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
waf.packages.updateChanging the settings of a security package in WAFWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
waf.packages.deleteRemove a security package in WAFWeb Application Firewall (WAF)NOTICE
health_check.storeCreate a Load Balancing monitoringServer Health CheckINFO
health_check.updateUpdate a Load Balancing monitoringServer Health CheckINFO
health_check.destroyRemove a Load Balancing monitoringServer Health CheckINFO
transport_layer_proxies.storeCreate a layer 4 proxy applicationLayer 4 ProxyINFO
transport_layer_proxies.updateUpdate a layer 4 proxy applicationLayer 4 ProxyINFO
transport_layer_proxies.destroyRemove a layer 4 proxy applicationLayer 4 ProxyINFO
dynamic_fields.storeCreate a listListsINFO
dynamic_fields.updateUpdate a listListsINFO
dynamic_fields.removeDelete a listListsINFO
image_resize.updateTurn image resize off/onImage ResizeINFO
log_forwarders.storeCreate a log forwarderLog ForwardingINFO
log_forwarders.updateChange details of a log forwarderLog ForwardingINFO
log_forwarders.update.statusTurn off/on a log forwarderLog ForwardingINFO
log_forwarders.destroyDelete a log forwarderLog ForwardingINFO
troubleshoot.storePerform troubleshootingTroubleshootingINFO
  • operationTargetResource

    This key indicates the resource on which an action has been performed. In Arvancloud CDN, the value of this key is the user's domain.

"operationTargetResource": "/4.0/domains/"