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Getting Started

This guide helps you start working with the Arvancloud CDN service. Suppose you have a WordPress website with thousands of monthly visitors or own an application with millions of daily visitors. In that case, we can help you activate and configure our CDN service accurately to improve the performance of your website or application and make them more secure.

1st Step: Creating an Account and a Domain

First, create an account on the Arvancloud website. Then, click the CDN service in the user panel and select “Add new Domains.”

Enter the name of your domain, and read and accept the terms of service. Arvancloud enters your DNS records in your account automatically.

If you intend to add a subdomain, in this step you will be asked to choose your Domain Traffic Transfer type from NS Delegation or CNAME Setup.

2nd Step: Choosing a Plan

Now you have to choose a Plan for your domain. You can also check out more details about plans on our CDN pricing page.

3rd Step: Reviewing IP Address and A Records

When you register your domain in the user panel, the A records of your website’s main domain and www subdomain will automatically be added to our CDN service’s DNS.

Never delete the automatically added A records in the DNS records.

These A records need to have the same IP address as those hosting your website. Go to the CDN section of your user panel in the DNS records section, and check the records’ IP address. If the IP address is different, you can edit them to match your website’s IP address.

If no records are added automatically, you need to transfer your domain’s DNS records to Arvancloud’s user panel manually.

4th Step: Changing NS

You need to change your website’s NS in your domain to those of Arvancloud. You can find these NSs in the CDN section of your user panel in the DNS records. You can see Arvancloud’s assigned NS at the top of this page. Make sure you submit them in your Registrar panel.

Please note that if you are using our Enterprise service, you can use your personal NS.

5th Step: HTTPS Settings

Once you have completed the instructions mentioned above, you need to configure your HTTPS. Go to the HTTPS Settings section of the CDN service in your account. If your website has an SSL certificate, click on “Private Certificate” in the “Certificates” section of “HTTPS Settings.” Upload your .key and cert. Files and load the certification.

Another more straightforward method for supporting HTTPS is simply using the free-of-charge Arvancloud’s SSL certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt. To receive this certificate, click on “Issue Request.” You can request issuing of the certificate for your main and sub domains.

6th Step: Redirect Configurations

If the name of your main domain is, for instance, and the traffic of must be redirected to (or vice versa), you should make this clear in the “Redirect Domain” of the CDN Dashboard of your user panel.

When using HTTPS, make sure that the connection between Arvancloud edge servers and the users is on HTTPS rather than HTTP. Therefore, even when a user requests access to the website based on HTTP, the connection will be transferred to HTTPS. To configure this setting, go to the HTTPS Settings of CDN service in your account and activate Set HTTPS as Default.

Only configure the redirection of the domain (whether from HTTP to HTTPS or vice versa) on one side (your website’s main server or Arvancloud’s user panel). since configuring redirection on both sides will cause the error of Too Many Redirects. For example, if you have configured the redirection from HTTP to HTTPS on your main server, do not activate the automatic redirection from HTTP to HTTPS in the Arvancloud account.

7th Step: Turning on the Cloud Icon

Finally, to activate the CDN service on your website, simply click on your preferred domain and turn on the Cloud symbol in the DNS records of your account.