پرش به مطلب اصلی

تغییر ویژگی‌های درخواست HTML

نمونه‌ای برای ایجاد یک درخواست اصلاح‌شده با ویژگی‌های تغییریافته بر اساس درخواست ورودی.

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
* Example someHost is set up to return raw JSON
* @param {string} someUrl the URL to send the request to, since we are setting hostname too only path is applied
* @param {string} someHost the host the request will resolve too
const someHost = "example.com";
const someUrl = "https://foo.example.com/api.js";

* The best practice is to only assign new RequestInit properties
* on the request object using either a method or the constructor
const newRequestInit = {
// Change method
method: "POST",
// Change body
body: JSON.stringify({ bar: "foo" }),
// Change the redirect mode.
redirect: "follow",
// Change headers, note this method will erase existing headers
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",

// Change just the host
const url = new URL(someUrl);

url.hostname = someHost;

// Best practice is to always use the original request to construct the new request
// to clone all the attributes. Applying the URL also requires a constructor
// since once a Request has been constructed, its URL is immutable.
const newRequest = new Request(
new Request(request, newRequestInit)

// Set headers using method
newRequest.headers.set("X-Example", "bar");
newRequest.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");
try {
return await fetch(newRequest);
} catch (e) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: e.message }), {
status: 500,